What does storehouse mean?
Treasury, storeroom, storage vault: Treasures, Treasure or Treasuries, Armoury , Depository 1 Chron 27:25 Deut 28:12 The Treasure is Truth that was restored to the Church . The precious material that was given to his True Church.
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The Famine is of the HEARING of The Word
You Can have all of the church material in the palm of you hand at No Cost to you. You can have this 2 ways by ordering or get you own jump drive and click to download . It does not mater who you get it from as long as you get it, Study it and learn from the apostle teachings.
It was Done
What important work must be done before Christ's return to reestablish God's government on earth? Matt. 24:14; Mark 13:10.
COMMENT: Jesus foretold that just prior to His return He would raise up an end-time work to proclaim to the world His coming to restore the government of God on earth (Matt. 28:19-20). For this very purpose He raised up the Worldwide Church of God through Herbert W. Armstrong, the end-time apostle of God's Church and His chief spokesman to world leaders today. And as Christ trained the apostles who in turn taught their students – disciples – to teach others, so in this end time.
Mr. Armstrong has established Ambassador College to teach and train students to teach others today.
This Church is boldly proclaiming the truth about God's Law and coming government. Through “The World Tomorrow” television and radio broadcasts and the pages of The Plain Truth and Good News magazines, God is revealing His plan to restore His way of love, peace and joy to the world.
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Mr. Barry Buwa
Mr. Echfalum Anugwa
Mr. Ron Stephens
Mr. Ed Tidwell
Mr.Fernando Rañises
We had Lost our Elder March-2021 but will see him in the resurrection. He was faithful to the teaching and a true servant to our God